Hope is a passion for the possible.

• Søren Kierkegaard 1813 - 1855


For Tomorrow

Get Ceremony Insights Explore NFT Sale Info

Inauguration Ceremony

Successfully held on 29th July 2023 @ The Fringe Club, Central, HK

Have You Noticed?

  • 1.8 billion young people aged 10 to 24
  • 500 million of them live on less than $2 USD a day
  • 74 million young people are unemployed

HopeNFT Ecosystem

  • NGOs, charites, non-profit & social entreprises endorsing selected projects
  • Creative communities, good & service providers, and IP owners contribute valuables to the system
  • Embracing & evangelizing the program through their network
  • Donors & enterprises supporting the system financially
  • Project owners will be supported by all parties in the program to execute their plans, deliver results and achieve targeted SDGs.

Technology Platform

This technology platform is powered by iSHANG, a leading provider of innovative solutions.

Fundraising Models



Initiated by iSHANG and BSSI, HopeNFT is an non-profit initiative supporting passionate individuals and project owners on their SDG and social-good projects, by leveraging NFT & Web3 technologies.

HopeNFT facilitate re-distribution of valuable social resources through decentralization & inclusion model, bringing automation and more transparency to fundraising process with higher efficiency and global scalability.


Sustainable development facilitates and inspires “HOPE” for the future. HopeNFT creates an ecosystem bringing together NGOs/ charities/ non-profit/ social enterprises (“Sponsor”), social good/SDG projects (“Project”), creative communities and IP owners (“Contributor”), donors & SDG supporters (Supporter”) and evangelists & promoters (“Ambassador”).




To provide an alternate and cost-efficient way for SDG Acceleration / ESG projects for social good to use Web3 to conduct fundraising campaign and receive donations via traditional fiat currency.


To provide a convenient and reliable way for donors to participate and make donations through traditional online credit card payment or cryptocurrencies.


To provide a convenient and environmentally friendly way for artists, content creators and IP owners to participate and support SGPs (social good projects) without any technology hurdles.

Share & Promote

To provide a convenient and well-connected way for local / global ambassadors to participate and contribute their social influence to promote projects on HopeNFT platform.


Dr. Shirley Yeung

Asia Ambassador at UNSDSN-KENYA
ICENECDEV UN Global Compact Member
Chair of Community Education at ICENECDEV
Head of School of Business at Gratia Christian College

Mr. Samson Lee

Founder & CEO at iSHANG and Coinstreet
Co-organizer of TADS Awards
Co-organizer of Digital Asset Series (DAS)

Mr. Folen Yeung

Chairman of Presentation Ltd
Sole Executor of China Jinyong Theme Park
Business & Operation Director of China Chung Ying Street Duty Free Maga Mall
Chairman of Korea APBA & Korea KMEA

Founding Partners

Supporting Organizations